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Web Design & Development, Reimagined

What sets us apart in the development industry is our commitment to crafting websites without relying on WordPress, frameworks, or page builders. We write every line of code by hand, giving us complete control over the design and ensuring optimal performance. With no unnecessary or cluttered code, our websites load incredibly fast.

Handcrafted websites consistently outperform most WordPress sites and drag-and-drop builders, which can often come with hefty price tags. In the world of web development, speed and clean, efficient code are the keys to success.

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Search Engine Optimization

The big buzz word 'SEO' unfortunately gets thrown around a lot to lure unsuspecting people in. The reality is, there's no 'magic' way to get to the front of Google. It takes precision, know-how and time to achieve these results.

To break it down further, we utilize the latest Google SEO Suggestions to ensure your page is seen:

  • Mobile First Development to Optimise User Experience
  • Clean and Organised Code for Crawling Visibility
  • Responsive Design for All Device Sizes
  • Keyword Based Content and Blogs

Branding, Graphic Designs & Logos

Need to modernise, update or completely renovate your brand? We have a graphic designer who can assist you in transforming the way your business looks and feels if you need them.

  • Logos Starting at $300

    Price may vary subject to complexity, revisions, and other criteria.

  • Social Media Post Assistance

    We also offer professional assistance with your social media content, contact us for more information.

Lifetime Updates

Google works in mysterious ways and they often change their search algorithm occasionally which is crucial for rankings. We offer a lifetime of updates to ensure your website is always in date with the latest trends.